The workflow presented next is what you will always do when starting a new exercise (I’ll let you know when that happens). I’ll tell you
“Create a GitHub workflow for an exercise called 04_rcbd”
These steps were outlined on chapter 12: Connect Rstudio to Git and Github:
: 04_rcbdDescription
: no descriptionpublic
Add a README file
(always recommended)Add a .gitignore
: select RFile > New Project > Version Control > Git
Repository URL
: Paste GitHub URLProject directory name
: leave blankCreate project as subdirectory of
: browse to this course main folder in your computer (where you see other project folders like 01_intro
)Create Project
From RStudio, launch your README, edit it, save it
Can you see the Git pane next to the environment? If not, then do View > Show git
Under Staged
, check the box for
Click on the checkmark icon (to commit)
Under commit message
, write something short yet informative (e.g., updated readme)
Click on Commit
, close log window
pane, click on the green up arrow to push your changesDid it all work? If yes, then you are all set to use git and GitHub! 🥳
If not, then we’ll need to troubleshoot it.
repoNext, let’s Fork and Clone the class repo, so you won’t need to do manual downloads anymore.
Detailed instructions found here
and run in the console:2025_dsa
repoNow, anytime I have new code or data files, all you need to do is:
pane, click on the green down arrow to pull the updates