When levels of one treatment factor need more/less experimental material than the levels of other treatment factors
For ex., K treatments are applied with a 12-row spreader, and N rates are applied with a 4-row coulter.
When is split-plot needed?
Don’t have enough experimental material to have all plots be the size of the requirements of treatment factor needing more resources
In the example above, we could, potentially, decide to have all plots of size 12 rows, where a given K treatment is applied with one pass on the plot, and a given N treatment is applied with 3 passes on the plot.
In that, we would need 36 plots x 12 rows/plot = 432 rows total
When is split-plot needed?
Don’t have enough experimental material to have all plots be the size of the requirements of treatment factor needing more resources
However, that requires more land than we anticipated (we planed for 4-row plots), and we only have space for 36 plots x 4 rows = 144 rows total
When is split-plot needed?
Motivational example - Treatment design in a split-plot
2-way factorial in a split-plot
Whole-plot treatment factor: K fertilizer rates: 0, 30, 60 kg K/ha
Split-plot treatment factor: N fertilizer rates: 0, 100, 200 kg N/ha
3 x 3 = 9 treatment combinations that will be assigned to different sizes of experimental units!
Experimental design
A split-plot can be used with different experimental designs like CRD or RCBD
Assuming we have heterogeneous experimental material (e.g., different soil type, topography, etc.)
Thus, we should use a randomized complete block design (RCBD)
Treatment randomization - Split-plot in RCBD
We first randomize the levels of the whole-plot treatment factor within each of our blocks.
Treatment randomization - Split-plot in RCBD
Then we randomize the levels of the split-plot treatment factor within each of our whole-plot treatment factor plots.
\(y_{ijk}\) is the observation on the kth block from ith K rate and jth N rate
\(\mu\) is the overall mean
\(\rho_{k}\) is the random effect of kth block
\(\alpha_{i}\) is the differential effect of ith K rate
\((\alpha\rho)_{ik}\) is the whole-plot random error
\(\beta_{j}\) is the differential effect of jth N rate
\((\alpha\beta)_{ij}\) is the differential effect of the combination of the ith N rate and ith K rate
\(e_{ijk}\) is the residual corresponding to the block k of K rate i and N rate j.
The ANOVA table
In the following ANOVA table…
n is number of levels in N rate = 3
k is number of levels in K rate = 3
r is number of blocks = 4
N is total number of obserevations or EUs = 3 x 3 x 4 = 36
The ANOVA table
Source of variation
F ratio
dfb = r - 1 = 4 - 1 = 3
K rate
dfk = k - 1 = 3 - 1 = 2
MSk = SSk / dfk
MSk / MSwpe
WP error (K x Block)
dfwpe = (k - 1) x (r - 1) = (3 - 1) x (4 - 1) = 6
MSwpe = SSwpe / dfwpe
N rate
dfn = n - 1 = 3 - 1 = 2
MSn = SSn / dfn
MSn / MSspe
N x K
dfnk = (n - 1) x (k - 1) = (3-1) x (3-1) = 4
MSnk = SSnk / dfnk
MSnk / MSspe
SP error
dfspe = k(r - 1) x (n - 1) = 3(4 - 1) x (3 - 1) = 9 x 2 = 18
MSspe = SSspe / dfspe
dft = N -1 = 35
Notice how we have 2 error sources: the WP and the SP.
What would happen if we ran this mistakenly as full RCBD with a single EU size?
ANOVA table - motivational example
Source of variation
What is significant here (say at \(\alpha = 0.05\))?
ANOVA table only provides numerator df! Denominator df is important to know as well to check that proper errors are being used to test different effects.
The split-plot trade-off
Compared to a RCBD where each of the 3 N x 3 K combinations would have been randomly assigned to same-sized EUs:
The whole-plot treatment factor has power decreased
The split-plot treatment factor has power increased
Overall, split-plot designs have relatively lower power than their same-sized EU counterpart
Split-plot designs are used when different treatment factors require a different size/amount of experimental material
Split-plots have one treatment factor allocated to the whole-plot experimental units (larger), and another treatment factor allocated to the split-plot experimental units (smaller)
Due to randomization happening at two different levels, that creates 2 different experimental errors, one for each experimental unit size. Need to ensure that proper model is specified so proper errors are used.
Although split-plot treatment factor has increased power, overall split-plot designs have less power compared to their one-EU-size counterpart.