Study | Date | Length_ft | Plot | Plants |
2023 Corn Split | March 15 | 9.8 | 101 | 28 |
Plant population count
1 Materials Required:
Each team should have a set of:
- Measuring tape
- Clipboard
- Pen
- Printed stand count sheet (link here)
2 In-field measurements:
We will take measurements 2 times per plot.
If plot has 8 rows, take measurement from rows 3 and 6 (start counting at the plot stake).
Once row is identified, walk to the middle of the plot.
Extend the measuring tape to exact 3 meters (9.8 ft) next to the row and count the number of plant in that much distance.
Do the count on an area that is representative of the plot, avoid patches with large skips.
Our stand count sheet should include:
Study year and name
Length measured
Plot number
Plant count